Friday, December 18, 2009


well defined gestational sac, the yoke sac and embryo are not seen at present.

Decidual reaction is adequate.

The sac measures 5mm which corresponds to 4 weeks & 3 days

interpretation please anyone ? 
im lost lol

i pray i get a heartbeat 


Todd said...

(replicated my comments here from the SI forum):

You are in great shape for this point! How does the actual gestational age compare to that determined from the sac diameter? It should grow 1 mm/day during this time.

The yolk sac doesn't appear until week 5, followed by the fetal pole around week 6. Cardiac activity in the fetal pole can be seen as early as the latter part of week 6, but oftentimes later than this.

George said...

thanks heaps Todd :)
never been so stressed in my life lol

Doug and Bill said...

i have no experience here in interpreting but congratulations on everything moving forward!